- Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Pro slow down the testimonials text speed Reply To: slow down the testimonials text speed


Hello apeseeds01,
You will find the speed control on acmethemes/assets/js/corporate-plus-control.js. Find the below code there and change the speed:2000 to as your required speed.

//Initial testimonial slider

jQuery('.testimonial-slider').each(function() {
            var testimonial_slider = $(this);
                controls: false,
                <em>speed: 2000,</em>
                pause: 5000,
                mode: 'horizontal',
                auto: true,
                autoControlsCombine: true,
                hideControlOnEnd: true,
                slideMargin: 40

After changing the speed, hope the speed of the testimonial will increase/decrease.

Let us know about the results.


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by acmethemes.