A number of questions - Acme Themes
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  • #34230
    Scholarly Pursuits


    The website is https://myscholarlypursuits.com/. Currently using Education Base free. Curious to know:

    * How to remove the Education Base text from the home page header image
    * How to remove the header image from internal pages without removing it from the home page
    * Where the lorem ipsum is coming from in the home page content area under Welcome to Scholarly Pursuits
    * How I can change font colors without logging in to the server

    I think that’s it.


    Dear Scholarly,
    1. Dashboard -> Appearance ->Customize->Featured Section Options->Feature Slider Selection->Check the box of Display Image only
    2. Dashboard -> Appearance ->Customize->Header Options->Header Image->Current Header
    3. Lorem ipsum usually comes form Posts and Pages.Go through them and click on the respective page title.
    4. Please paste the given code in Additional CSS
    Dashboard -> Appearance ->Customize->Additional CSS
    color: red;
    Best Regards!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by acmethemes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by acmethemes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by acmethemes.
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