Add "See More From This Category" to front page widget - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperNews Add "See More From This Category" to front page widget

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  • #6797


    I effing LOVE this theme. It’s amazing. With the directions included, took me like 4 hours to change themes and get this going with almost 200 posts already existing.

    I did notice that on the homepage widget that includes the categories there’s no “read more of this category” or any of that kinda stuff. Is there a way to add a link to the bottom of the widget to go directly to the category page?


    Eric Leonard


    Hello bsaggregator,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperNews. As per your question, there is no any options to add the button on the below of the category, but if the user click on the Name of the category on top, it will redirect to that category page. Please have a look here on demo. Click on the category name and try it once.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

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