All Caps for Heading1- 6 formats - Acme Themes

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    I am trying to use the Heading3 format for my home page. When I apply the format, my text is upper and lower case. However, when I preview the page, all the text is in caps. If the use the “paragraph” format (default), everything is fine.


    Hello chuckbalogh,
    Thank you so much for your question.
    You mean to say you want to change the font family or only other options? Would you please elaborate your issues? so that we can understand the real problem and help you on that.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Thanks for your response. I am saying that the default Heading1 – 6 formats do NOT work correctly. When I am in the editor and I apply any heading format (e.g. Heading3), the text looks fine in the dashboard. I have both upper and lower case text. However, when I use the “view your site” from the dashboard, all the text is in capital letters.


    Hello chuckbalogh,
    Thanks for your elaboration of the issues. we designed the theme on the such way that, the heading will appear on Uppercase. If you need it normal, you need to edit CSS code there. Find the CSS for heading, and change the Uppercase to Normal. It will work for you.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Thank you for your assistance. I will change the CSS. It is odd to me that the text would show up with the correct format in preview mode.


    Please try by changing CSS, if not worked, let us know. We will try to solve this with best alternative solutions.

    Thank You

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