Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperNews BIG ISSUE WITH THE THEME!

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    So i’m trying out the supernews theme , i really like it , and looking forward to purchase it soon , i am though struggling with an issue , that at this point i guess it’s theme related.

    So it goes with the layout , i will link two pages that are giving me this problem. ( as you can see by scrolling down a little bit , there is part of the comment section on top of the article.. ( you can see by scrolling down a little as well , the podcast image in the middle of the article , and some lines related to “featured posts” ..

    Now, i need to solve this ASAP , as this is my business site and it can really affect my business.

    Please help me find a solution.


    Hello andreaedmusic,
    Thank You so much for using our theme SuperNews and your interest on our pro theme.
    It seems like there is some conflicts of css with theme and plugin, please use the following custom css, It should fix both problem.
    Please add the below Custom CSS on Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS, {
        clear: both;
        display: table;

    Hope this will solve your problem. Let us know if the problem is not solved.

    Acme Supports


    Hi Supporter ,

    Thanks for the reply !!

    So, i added the custom css , and it did correct the problem which is great!! (thanks for that ) .. but , there is one problem that is remaining… if you check the two pages i linked on the previous post you can see that the article are not filling up the full page..

    to give you the best idea i’ll link you two pages ( one correct , and one not correct )

    Not correct : ( notice that the article is not filling up the page , and the words , the paragraphs and images are not aligned with the rest of the page , far to the right sidebar

    Correct : ( notice that the article is filling up the page, and the words, the paragraphs and images are aligned with the rest of the page , close to the right sidebar )

    I’m having this issue with the two pages i’ve linked in the previous post.

    Hope i gave you the concept! Thanks in advance!


    Hello andreaedmusic,
    While adding content on that page, some extra DIV(or other HTML elements) are inserted. So, please check the content once and remove if there any unnecessary elements. Better to check it on TEXT mode of the content section. Its very rare to be a bug in just special page/post. Please try once and let us know about the result.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

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