Can you please answer my question - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperNews Can you please answer my question

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  • #8817

    Do your free Versions of Supernews theme allow adsense to be added or just your pro versions. My adsense code isn’t loading on the free version I would like an explanation on why this isn’t working on the free version. Is this only allowed on the Pro Version ???


    Hello Logan1980,
    Thank you so much for your question. In our pro version, you can add the Adsense codes on Header Advertisement, on sidebars with AT Advertisement Widget and also on home page as well. Please view the demo and you will know about the Adsense place on pro.
    In case of free theme, you can add the Adsense codes on content section, or only with Text Widget.
    In pro theme, you will get lots of additional features.

    Acme Supports

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