Category Slider Section - change to feature web pages not blog categories - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Category Slider Section – change to feature web pages not blog categories

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    I have another question. I would like to feature two web pages in the slider as opposed to two categories like it is currently set up. I have logged into my C-Panel to look at the files and I’m wondering how I would override the slider to feature web pages and not blog categories.

    Would it be the a file within Assetts, Libray, bxslider and then perhaps the Javascript?

    Or would it be customizer/feature-section/feature-category.php ?

    Please can you advise which file I need to change and what code I would need to insert.

    Thank you very much for your help with this.

    Greatly appreciated


    Hello AnnaLisa,
    Instead of category in slider, you want to use page for it. If you are familiar with WordPress codes, you can customize the theme as your need. Its not so easy to provide the ready made code for this issue because you have to do lots of coding and CSS for it.
    We are going to release the premium version of this theme within few days. On that theme we include lots of additional features and also the options for selecting page on slider. Would you please wait for few days and go to the premium version of this theme so that it help you to make your site more reliable.

    If you have any more query, feel free to ask.

    Thank You
    Acme Supports


    Hello, thank you very much. I will wait for the professional theme. Many thanks


    Hello AnnaLisa,
    Our professional theme of AcmeBlog is released today. You can go to the premium version of this theme. This theme have lots of features added and help you to make your site as required.
    Theme URL:

    If you have any query to ask, please feel free. We will try to solve it.

    Thank You
    Acme Supports

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