Corporate Plus Pro Image Slider Firefox - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Corporate Plus Pro Image Slider Firefox


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  • #106142

    Hello everyone,

    recently I’ve encountered the problem of the image slider not functioning properly in Firefox. It works on every other browser but Firefox and for some reason just wont load certain elements. Does anyone have an idea?

    The Website in question is


    Dear Jaspher,
    Could you please deactivate any unnecessary plugins or update the Pro theme to its latest updated version and check if it solves the problem?

    Best Regards!


    Hello Support-Team,

    thanks for the quick reply. I don’t know why it didn’t came to my mind but I figured out that the ‘Disable & Remove Google Fonts’ plugin was causing this.. I was too focused as to why it only didn’t work in Firefox :S
    Thanks for the help!


    Dear Jaspher,
    You are Most Welcome 🙂
    Best Regards!

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