Custom CSS fr changing slider right section - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Custom CSS fr changing slider right section

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    Hello. I would like to ask a question regarding supermag. Is there a way on the slider right section to remove the 2 posts and make the ads section bigger?? My blog is and what I want is the 2 ads on the slider right section to match the size with the ads below them. Anyone knows CSS to help me with this?


    Hello Lazaro,
    Thanks for your question and also thanks for using our theme SuperMag. The above mentioned feature is not available on theme and you have to write custom CSS for it. If you change the default section of theme, you have to check about the responsiveness of the theme too. So, it takes lots of time to make it. So, we recommend you to hire a customizer for it.
    If you need any help regarding theme operation, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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