Date/Time in header field - Acme Themes

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  • #6855

    Yup, still in love with this theme. You guys really knocked this one out of the park.

    I’m having an issue with the Date/Time in the header. My WordPress installation specifies that the site is in Central Standard Time (GMT -6). But it seems like the date/time stamp is pulling from server time. Is this accurate? It works just beautifully until about 10pm CST, when it moves to the next day. Is there a way to adjust this?



    Hello bsaggregator,
    Thank You so much for using our theme. Have you changed the time zone from the backend ?
    Go to setting > General and set the time zone there. It may work for you. We localize the time zone on theme, means the date and time will appear as your time zone set.
    Please let us know, if not worked.

    Thank You
    Acme Supports


    Just checked on it, it currently displays on our site as Saturday, July 22, even though it is Friday, July 21 at 9:00pm. Our timezone is set for “Chicago” in WordPress, which should display the correct date. I’ll play with it on my end a bit and see if I can isolate a problem.


    Sure, please try it once. If you can’t, please let us know. We will check it and solve it.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Yeah, through watching the site over the course of the day, it seems like that widget is picking up UTC time. Around 6pm CST, it changes to the next day. It doesn’t affect scheduling within WordPress, just the date at the top of the page.

    Acme Themes

    Hello bsaggregator,
    Can you please try this function.
    This is date display function.

    if ( ! function_exists( 'supernews_date_display' ) ) :
        function supernews_date_display( $format = 'l, F j, Y') {
            echo esc_html( date_i18n( $format ,current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) );

    you can implement this function in the child theme or if you would like to change main theme, the date function is here on line number 100, supernews/acmethemes/functions.php, you can just replace the exciting code with the above code.And please let us know if this solve issue.

    Note : We are only suggesting to edit in main theme because we will update the main theme as soon as possible with this updates.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Themes


    I have implemented the change and will wait for this evening’s date change. I’ll let you know if this solves the issues.

    Thanks guys, you’re amazing.


    Sure, please try it. If not worked, let us know.

    Thank You


    That definitely seems to have resolved the problem. Thanks again! You guys rock!


    Nice to know that your problem is solved.

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