Featured columns are under slider on the main page - Acme Themes

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  • #21650

    Hi, i’ve got a trouble: featured columns after some changes moves to under slider and now they are nearly invisible. How can i fix this?


    Dear acristi,
    Thank you for using the support forum for the queries. If you got the problem after editing the theme codes, please replace the theme folder with the original one. You can download the theme and replace it inside wp-content/themes folder. Hope this works for you.

    Thank you


    Thanks for reply, but this theme was not changed through sources or CSS at all.
    Here is the link to this demo site: https://goo.gl/9NqopG
    How I can set: shall this columns overlay on slider or be right under it?


    Hello acristi,
    There is no any content on the featured column section. First please add the content and check it. You can check videos for more help. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChLjmroR2kjSahtWR_4mJzw

    Thank you


    It is not correct – there are three columns and all of them linked to the normal pages: special offer, travel with us and about us.
    Excerts were also created for this pages.
    How i can setup the location of this columns: above slider or after slider? On photos in your documentation there are 2 types but how to do this?


    Do you have some contents on the expert field? If not please add content as well. You need to select the page via customizer. So please check customizer also.


    Look’s like the trouble is in adding Post Grid plugin: if i deactivate it, the front page becomes normal, otherwise featured columns hides under slider.
    Any ideas how to fix this?


    If the plugin is creating the issues, you need to find the alternative plugin or contact plugin author for it.

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