Featured Images in posts - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Featured Images in posts

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  • #5409

    Hello, I am having a problem with the function that adds the featured image to the post automatically, namely I would like to disable it. Is this possible?


    Hello djordje,

    Thank you for using our theme.
    Similar types of query is already discussed here:

    Remove Featured Image in single post

    Best Regards,


    Thank you, I was able to solve my problem.

    I have one more question.
    The images on the slider on the home page seem to loose resolution once I upload them to the site. I saw that the dimension of the images in the slider were 660×365 and made my featured image in those dimensions but I still see a loss of quality. Do you know of a way to fix this?


    Please always use the featured image with high quality. In our theme we recommend you to use “Acme Fix Images” plugin to make the size compatible with theme. Please follow this documentation for making the image size:
    1. First setting up images size on media: https://doc.acmethemes.com/supermag/#SettingupImageSizes
    2. Use the plugin and fix the images:https://doc.acmethemes.com/supermag/#Howtomaketheimagesizeasondemo?

    Please follow the above instruction and try once.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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