Full width page - Acme Themes
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  • #12519


    Really loving the mercantile theme. Looking to go pro soon. But I really need one feature that I just cannot find. I want to have a fullwidth page of text. Or really just remove the grey outline that surrounds content on all of my pages. Been struggling to find a way to remove this all weekend. Is there any way this can be done? Its very important to me to get this done soon. Thanks for the help.

    here is a link to a regular page to show the grey outline around the content: http://savageio.jgwebtechdesign.com/infrastructure-as-a-service-iaas
    And I am looking to create pages looking like this one, except I want to have my content flush withe the header and footer sections or at the very least remove the grey outline still vissible at the top and bottom of the page. http://savageio.jgwebtechdesign.com/currency-mining

    Please help. Thanks


    Please add the below css codes in Apperance > Customize > Additional CSs

    .page article.post, .page article.page, .page .single-feat{
       border: none;

    In pro version, you will get lots of additional features on the theme including left, right, both and no sidebar as well. Please check the pro version of it as well.

    Let us know, if you have any confusion.


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