Getting started - Acme Themes
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  • #16822

    I am trying to install theme education base. After activating the theme, I found error in getting started, “the step 2: Go to Custumizer”. It results with error: ”
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Customize_Manager::register_section_type() in /home/sloki/user/h36387/sites/ on line 68″

    Please help


    I have solved the problem by updating the wordpress to the latest issue.
    However, I encounter another issue. When importing the dummy content, it results with the following:

    Uploading Zip…
    Unzipping File…
    Invalid ZIP destination file
    xml file not included
    wie file not included
    dat file not included
    All Done Visit your

    Please advise, thanks


    Hello ndoys,
    Did you try as mentioned on the docs?
    1. Install and Activate Acme Demo Setup plugin.
    2. Download the Zip file from Documentation.
    3. Import the Dummy ZIP file and wait for some while while importing data.
    Hope, this process will help to solve the issues.

    Let us know, if the problem is not solved.

    Acme supports


    I am having the same issue even after following the instructions above. I get:
    Uploading Zip…
    Unzipping File…
    Invalid ZIP destination file /
    xml file not included
    wie file not included
    dat file not included
    All Done Visit your site

    Please advise. Thank you!


    Hello cluu,
    Did you download the zip file of demo via our documentation page?
    Did you upload the zip file via Appearance – Acme Demo Setup?
    Is your WordPress is latest version?
    Kindly check the documentation page and you will see videos to help you.
    Hope, this helps.


    Did you download the zip file of demo via our documentation page? Yes.
    Did you upload the zip file via Appearance – Acme Demo Setup? Yes.
    Is your WordPress is latest version? Yes, 4.8.2.
    Kindly check the documentation page and you will see videos to help you. I have already watched the videos.

    It’s still giving me the same message:
    Invalid ZIP destination file /
    xml file not included
    wie file not included
    dat file not included


    Can you please contact us via Contact Page or via email. We will help you on different way. Info[at]

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