How do I remove the "No Image Available" - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog How do I remove the "No Image Available"

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  • #7438

    How do I remove the “No Image Available” on this link

    How do I also remove the “category in CATEGORY: IN THE NEWS”?


    Hello TheDakotaHomestead,
    Thank you so much for using AcmeBlog theme. As per your question, if you want to remove the No Image Available, please add the featured image on that post where you want to remove it. In case of Pro theme, you can set your own default no image available. If you missed to add featured image, default no image available will appear.
    If you want to remove the category on that page, you need to customize the theme.
    Find that codes on theme file and customize as your need.

    Note: Child theme is recommended to customize theme.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports


    What is the exact code to no longer display a “featured image” on that page?
    Same with the exact code to remove “category: ” from displaying on that page


    Hello Hello TheDakotaHomestead,
    You want to hide the featured image on all page or on selected page or single post? If you want his features, this feature is available on premium version of it.
    Please look the premium version on

    Acme Supports

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