How to change the Header Top icons? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Mercantile How to change the Header Top icons?

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    Instead of having phone or email contact I would like to put the site’s slogan up there in the Header Top. I think it would look nice in that blue field on the top. I would just write the text into the provided email field (under Header Options – Header Top), however I would need to get rid of the email icon that is automatically added at the beginning of the text. Is it possible to delete the email icon in the Header Top, so only the text would be displayed?


    Hello alan,
    The top header section is specially designed for the purpose of Email, phone, and social icons. If you need any additional things on that section, you need to customize the theme codes. You can check acmethemes/hooks/header.php file and customize the header section as you need. If you are not familiar with codes, you can hire customizer.

    With Best Regards

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