How to load more recent posts in the Home Main Area - Acme Themes

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    I have a doubt about the Static page, I put the AT Posts Column to show the recent posts but it’s only appearing the last 6 and there is no arrow to click and see more posts. My question is, is there any way I can put more posts to show (like 12) in there and also put an arrow to load more? Is there any code for that?
    Great theme, by the way
    Thank you


    Hello Kalise10,
    Thanks for using our theme. As per your questions, this features is not available on our themes. You can change the number of post to show there, you have to customize the theme. You will find that codes on acmethemes/sidebar-widget/acme-col-post.php file. You can change the number of code from there.
    In case of adding load more,it is somehow complex for integrating this feature. So, please hire a customizer. I will be best for you.

    Acme Supports


    It worked, I was able to change the number of posts!
    Thank you very much

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