How to transit to the next page of the product list correctly - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Online Shop How to transit to the next page of the product list correctly

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    I`m looking the pages from top to bottom. I guess everyone else is doing the same.
    When Im viewing a multi-page list of products (for example, on the Frontpage of my shop), I click number below and go to the next page, then I find myself at the bottom of the list of products. I should scroll up the page to continue browsing the products "from top to bottom". It seems some weird, isnt it?
    Can I do something that my users are found themselves at the top of the next page of product list? It will be more convenient I think.


    Dear Zonndek,
    Please provide your site URL and screenshot to make your issue clear.

    Best Regards!


    My site powered by WordPress 5.6.1 with WooCommerce 4.9.2 and theme “Online Shop” 3.0.5
    Screenshot is available here.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Zonndek. Reason: make more clear

    Hello Zonndek,
    At the top, you have added products filtration (Choose your amulet) which occupied the header part .It required theme customization to scroll down when page is loaded. For theme customization, Please contact us through theme customization form.


    OK, I moved Products filtration from header part to body of page. The problem still exists.


    Dear Zonndek,
    Could you please deactivate the unnecessary plugins and check if it solves the problem ?

    Best Regards!


    Oh! I’ve found the root of my problem. When I enabled the “Try AJAX filtration” option in plugin WOOF, the problem went away. Mea culpa.
    Sorry to bother you. Thanks you very much.
    Online-Shop is awesome theme! 🙂


    Dear Zonndek,
    Ok, that’s good to know. You are Most Welcome 🙂

    Best Regards!

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