I dont know hot to show content in pages, like in demo or blog page - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperNews I dont know hot to show content in pages, like in demo or blog page

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    Maybe is it simple, but i dont know what must to do to show content of the menu pages. I dont find that information in the documentations.


    Thank you so much for using our theme. This theme is based on widgets. Please go to Appearance – widgets and add the widget AT Col Post widget on Home main content widget area and select the category there.
    You can make categories and add categories on Menu via Appearance – Menus.
    You can check theme document througly and hope you will get some idea regard theme.
    Thank you


    Also i want to learn ho to limit the post shown in featured area bars. And also blog static bellow.


    Please check Setting > Reading to change the number of post. Also check Appearance > Customize to check the theme setting.

    Thank you


    BTW i know how to setup the front page, i dont know how to setup other pages to be shown like in blog page. I need just to shown specific category like it shown in blog page in other pages. By choosen cat.


    For the front page i mean featured section area, can it be limited to show posts by latest of numbers ot the choosen category:) I mean if i have 20 post in one i dont want in feat section to load all of them:)


    1. You can put categories on menu like demos to show the other pages. It’s default features. Just check pur demo and click on category name, you will get the similiar page for specific categories like blog page.
    2. This features to control the featured post number in premium version. So we recommend you to buy premium version for it.

    Thank you

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