If i purchase the pro version, do i need to upgrade or fully reinstall ? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus If i purchase the pro version, do i need to upgrade or fully reinstall ?

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    i already build a website with the free version, now i get it’s limited (cant change the know more button???)
    if i buy the pro one, can i just upgrade ? or do i need to re install from scratch ?



    Hello Eric972,
    It’s simple to upgrade theme from free to pro. Just buy the theme and download it. After download the theme, Go to appearance > Themes and Add New theme and activate it. After activating, only some section like slider right section need to re-set, because there are lots of additional options for the theme. If you face any problem, we will help you in each step, so don’t hesitate about the problem after using pro theme, we will help you in each steps.

    Acme Supports

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