Menu text white in mobile version but black in desktop version - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Infinite Photography Menu text white in mobile version but black in desktop version

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  • #18790
    Carrie Walton

    The desktop version of our site has black text on the menus, but white text on the mobile version – this is a bit of a problem because our header is white so in the mobile version the text doesn’t show up unless you click on the page…

    As far as I’m aware you can’t change the text colour between desktop and mobile – the colour is the same over all platforms…

    So what’s happened?

    Website is in case it helps.


    Hello Carrie Walton,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Infinite Photography Pro. Please add the below CSS codes on Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS Hope the below CSS codes will help you to change the background of the menu section on mobile.

    @media screen and (max-width: 992px){
    .slicknav_nav, .responsive-slick-menu {
        background: #000;

    Warm Regards
    Acme Supports

    Jan Salava

    I have tried suggested CSS code however it doesn’t solve the problem. Any other advice?


    Dear Jan,
    If you can provide us your site URL, we will observe it and provide you with possible solutions.
    Best Regards!

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