My site takes too long to load and pictures of the text widget not even make it - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag My site takes too long to load and pictures of the text widget not even make it

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    Hi. Since I’m rebuilding one of my websites all over again, I’ve noticed this issues that didn’t happened before in my previous websites with SuperMag Pro.

    1. All the pictures content in my web take too much to load. All the content used to shows up instantly, but now it takes several seconds for make it.

    2. The last issue ocurred few days ago, and I don’t know if it’s related with the first one. It happens to be an issue with the pictures I uploaded to the ‘text widgets’. The Featured Images of the AT Post Column and the Slider take several seconds to show up, but this pictures in the widgets doesn’t even show up (or show up whith errors). The only thing I did before this incident started, was installing the Jetpack Plugin, but this has no sense at all, right?

    I attach screenshots for you to see what I mean.

    I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.

    Best regards


    Dear Gabri,
    Our developer team shall observe your issue and reply you back.
    Best Regards!


    So? Could you help me out, please??


    Dear Gabri,
    If you can provide us your site URL, we will observe it and provide you with possible solutions.

    Best Regards!


    My site is:

    I also gave you my site credentials at [email protected]


    Dear Gari,
    We have replied to your query in your email address. Please check it.
    Best Regards!


    Ok thanks, the loading issue is now solved with a plugin, but there is one thing left:

    In the widget box named “Footer Bottom Column Two”, I got a code for an overlay image.

    This used to work perfectly, but since I install the Jetpack plugin, it seems like all the “Footer Bottom Column Two” were unconfigured.

    In my other website with the same Acme Theme, SuperMag Pro, this work perfectly: thrashentodalaboca .com
    As you can see, the same code I just paste here, works with any problem in that website.

    I really need this issue solved, so I would be very grateful with your help.

    Best regards


    I couldn’t paste the html code here because of WordFence, but the thing is the same code works perfectly in my other website and doesn’t make it in


    I just solved it. It seems that Jetpack has a new option for speed up the images loading. I just deactivated it and works fine again.


    Dear Gabri,
    That’s good to know 🙂
    Best Regards!

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