"On Backorder" and "Out of Stock" warnings on the cart and checkout pages - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Online Shop “On Backorder” and “Out of Stock” warnings on the cart and checkout pages

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  • #96980

    Hi there,

    We have a WooCommerce instance (v5.2.2) running the Online Shop theme (v3.0.5).

    Some of our products are most of the time listed as backordered products. The Online Shop theme correctly shows the warning “On Backorder” and “Out of Stock” on the corresponding product detail pages. However, those warning messages are not carried on to the cart and checkout pages.

    This creates a problem when our clients do not notice the warning message on the product detail page and end up ordering the backordered item thinking it is actually in stock.

    I remember sometime in the past the seeing the “On Backorder” and “Out of Stock” on the cart and checkout pages in WooCommerce, but they do not show anymore.

    Is this issue related to the theme or to WooCommerce itself? If related to the theme, could you please advise how to reinstate the previous behaviour of showing the stock warning messages on the cart and checkout pages?

    Thank you


    Dear Furzedo,
    If you can provide us with your site URL, we will observe and provide you with possible solutions.

    Best Regards!


    Hi there,

    You can find the site at http://www.mapgear.com.au.



    Dear Furzedo,
    Your site is not working properly. Can you please also deactivate unnecessary plugins and check if it solves the issue?
    Best Regards!

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