Optimizing images - Acme Themes
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  • #11633

    I am not able to optimize the header image to improve loading time. I am concerned about the image-bloating that takes place when I “select and crop” the image.

      I followed instructions and prepared images of the exact size recommended – 1920×1280 pixels.
      I uploaded the image to media library.
      Went to Customize-Header and selected image; size was 179k.
      After selecting and cropping image, I looked at file sizes in File Manager. The “cropped-imagename-crop1…” version of the image is now about 3x larger than the original correctly sized image. The “cropped” image is 428k.

    Is there any way to use the original correctly-sized optimized photo in the header?


    Hello afcrafton,
    Please once follow the documentation for cropping the actual size suitable for this theme. Please follow the guidelines as mentioned on the documentation. Hope this will help you to solve your problem.
    If the problem is not solved, let us know. We will help you with best alternative solutions.

    Warm Regards
    Acme Supports


    I have already done that. But this is the instruction in the Appearance/Header Options/Header Image selection dialogue:

      While you can crop images to your liking after clicking Add new image, your theme recommends a header size of 1920 × 1280 pixels.

    Is that incorrect information?


    Hello afcrafton,
    If you want to change the height and width of the header image recommended size, you can find the codes on acmethemes\core\custom-header.php in custom-header and change the recommended size as your need.
    As per the message, the size mentioned on the theme is suitable for the theme design.
    If you mean to say anything different, please let us know.

    Warm Regards
    Acme Supports

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