Slider doesn't work anymore - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmePhoto Slider doesn’t work anymore

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by ADM Ellenbroek.
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  • #110360
    ADM Ellenbroek


    I am using AcmPhoto and i am very pleased with it.
    But … recently my slider stopped working correct.

    In stead of showing different pages with picture and text, nogw only one picture is showed while the text of the other pages is projected on the “wrong” picture.

    Can you help me?


    Ton Ellenbroek


    Dear Adm,
    Please deactivate any unnecessary plugins and check if it solves the issue. Also, update the theme to its latest version.

    Best Regards!

    ADM Ellenbroek


    I am running the latest version of the thema.
    As far as i can see there are no unnecessary plugins.
    And i haven’t added plugins for severals months.

    But slider doens’t work anyway …

    Have you got another advice?
    Best regards.

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