SuperMag theme blocks the tinyMCE editor - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag SuperMag theme blocks the tinyMCE editor

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    I use the WP-recall plugin, which forms the user’s personal account, gives the opportunity to make publications through the front-end

    However, the SuperMag theme blocks the tinyMCE editor and it does not create its own instance in the iframe

    But on production site it looks:

    The lock doesn’t appears when installing themes SuperNews, standart theme Twenty Fifteen/Sixteen/Seventeen

    Is it possible to fix this lock for the SuperMag?


    Dear vkru,
    Our theme is not tested with WP-recall plugin. So, we do not recommend using it.
    Best Regards!


    Hi, acmesupports

    I am very upset with your answer. The thing is, SuperMag theme doesn’t work with any posting editor published on the frontend.
    I checked a few plugins which allow to public posts from the frontend and no one of them work with SuperMag theme.

    I’ve shared above the response of the developer’s support of the frontend posting plugin.
    Developer has talready tested own plugin and SuperMag theme and made the following decision:

    SuperMag theme blocks the tinyMCE editor and it does not create its own instance in the iframe
    And has provided the link with screenshot

    Also as I described above frontend posting plugin (WP-recall and other) works with your SuperNews theme and these plugins works with standard themes from WordPress package. But these posting frontend plugins don’t works with SuperMag.

    Сan I hope you check the blocks in the SuperMag and fix the problem?

    See above links to screenshots with problem on SuperMag side (links proveded by support of developer of frontend posting plugin WP-recall).

    I’d like to install SuperMag theme together the posting plugin (WP-recall) for using on my site. Then I’d like to upgrade SuperMag to SuperMagPro.

    Best regards, vkru


    Dear vkru,
    Please, disable sticky sidebar and review the issue again. If the issue triggered again then contact us.
    Best Regards!


    Hello, acmesupports.

    thanks for your prompt reply.

    Please, disable sticky sidebar and review the issue again. If the issue triggered again then contact us.

    Yep, disabling sticky sidebar resolved the problem

    Is this setting never to be turned on?
    Is it possible to fix its work that both works together: sticky sidebar and the frontend posting plugin for SuperMag theme?
    Can I be shure that purchasing SuperMagPro will allow to use sticky sidebar and frontend posting plagin together?

    Thanks for your support!


    Dear vkru,
    No, it is not possible for both sticky sidebar and the frontend posting plugin to work together. It is the browser default behavior. It is not available in Pro version also. We suggest you send us the URL of your site so that we can observe it clearly.

    Best Regards!

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