Text wrapped to the featured picture on the single section post - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Text wrapped to the featured picture on the single section post

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  • #5097

    love the theme! but i have some problem with the text wrapping. I have used the latest version 1.2 yet the problem still occurs. The first paragraph of my blog appeared on the right side of the picture, wrapped together. Please advise on how to fix this Thanks


    Hello ttz,
    Thank you so much for using our theme AcmeBlog.
    You have to write the Custom CSS for this. Please add the below CSS on Custom CSS section. https://doc.acmethemes.com/acmeblog/#WhereandhowtoaddcustomCSS

    Please use the below CSS.

    .single .single-feat img, .single .single-feat {

    Note: Child theme is recommended to customize theme.
    Besides this we have lots of additional features on our premium version of this theme AcmeBlogPro. Please check our premium product too. http://www.acmethemes.com/themes/acmeblogpro/
    If you have further query regarding to our theme, do write us.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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