Why is it so hard to include contact data in the footer? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Education Base Why is it so hard to include contact data in the footer?

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    Is there no simple way to include an organisation’s contact data in page footers? It’s pretty standard stuff.
    I can’t figure out what “AT About Section” and “AT Contact Section” even are – tho I doubt they’re what I’m looking for.
    I got this working with the “Edin” theme no problem – even included a Google Map. Would like to replicate this.


    Hello gavstero,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Education Base. Every theme have the different approach of development. Education Base is developed based on Parent/Child Page, Widgets and customizer. You can first know about how it works. Please follow the documentation, Blog post and the theme functionality. If you are familiar with the theme features first, you can make the multiple layout of your site easily.
    Let us know, if you have any confusion.



    I think I sorted it out. I hadn’t seen that the Header is set up for contact info rather than the Footer.


    Nice to know that you solved the problem. Let us know if you have any further query.

    Thank you

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